Why Use Cruelty Free Products

Companies have no excuse to test on animals. Animal testing alternatives are available, and brands can choose not to sell in mainland China. Also, many businesses have purposely avoided such markets to maintain their cruelty-free status.

However, companies that test on animals decided to do so. They decide to be cruel, and I cannot support that.

Choosing cruelty-free products is one of the most effective ways to say no to animal testing. Here are some reasons we should all try to buy cruelty-free cosmetics.

1. Animal testing is inhumane

Animals used in experiments are not only kept in small cages under inhumane conditions, but they are also subjected to cruel tests. They are tortured, maimed, blinded, and eventually murdered. They are programmed to live a life of fear and suffering. Learn more about animal testing here (warning: graphic content).

2. Animal testing has better alternatives

Some companies claim that animal testing serves a purpose; tests on animals are performed to ensure that ingredients and products are safe for humans. There are, in fact, alternatives to animal testing for ingredient safety. Many companies, for example, prefer in vitro testing to animal testing because it has numerous advantages. There are also computer models and cultured cell tissues.

Science prefers these alternatives to animal testing because they are more conclusive, but animal testing is less expensive. Animals are only used because they are less “expensive,” which is entirely unethical.

3. There are over 7,000 safe cosmetic ingredients

Companies can formulate their products using over 7,000 ingredients that have already been proven to be safe. This demonstrates that no additional ingredients should be tested on animals. Only companies that choose to test more ingredients on animals do so to develop new, innovative ingredients that will increase their profits.

4. Laboratory animals are animals as well

According to the law, laboratory animals are a particular category of animals not protected from animal abuse and cruelty. This viewpoint is completely unethical and illogical. Pets are protected from abuse, but laboratory bunnies, mice, dogs, cats, and other animals are not. Animals, including laboratory animals, should be protected from cruel treatment.

5. Experiments with cats and dogs are being conducted

This was not a mistake. Cats and dogs are frequently used in medical animal research. According to 2013 statistics, 67,772 dogs and 24,221 cats were used in animal testing in the United States alone. Because of their docile nature, Beagles are used in an alarmingly large number of dog breeds. These animals are treated as laboratory animals and denied the basic rights we give to our pets.

6. Buying cruelty-free can make a difference

Supporting cruelty-free companies over those that choose to test on animals sends a message to the entire industry in the only language they understand, money. They understand that they will lose your business unless they stop testing on animals. We can truly make a difference and influence more companies to go cruelty-free if enough consumers boycott companies that test on animals.

See also: Benefits of Vegan Skincare

7. Thousands of well-known brands are cruelty-free

Today, there are thousands of cruelty-free brands to choose from. Choosing cruelty-free products no longer means only buying patchouli lotion from a small, local shop. We can still support all wonderful independent businesses, but many well-known brands have gone cruelty-free. Making the switch doesn’t limit you because there are so many great cruelty-free brands.

8. Many counties have already prohibited animal testing

Some governments worldwide have already prohibited animal testing for cosmetics on finished products and ingredients. Animal testing is prohibited in the European Union, Israel, India, Norway, Switzerland, South Korea, and New Zealand. So many governments around the world prohibiting this practice should tell us how dangerous and unethical it is.

9. Purchasing less is better for the environment

Going cruelty-free is also a great reason to think more about your purchases and take a more minimalistic approach. We’re minimizing waste and doing our part to be more conscious and less wasteful of our resources by only buying what we need (or buying less of what we don’t!).

10. There are many non-toxic and natural alternatives

Switching to cruelty-free cosmetics exposes you to healthier alternatives. Many mainstream brands contain harsh or toxic chemicals that harm your body. Our skin soaks up everything we put on it, so using lotions with parabens, fragrance, and harmful chemicals isn’t a good idea. I’ve also switched to natural deodorants (my favorite is Schmidt’s Deodorant) since going cruelty-free, which I believe every woman should consider.

11. A cruelty-free home is more environmentally friendly

Not to mention that cleaning products are routinely tested on animals. The majority of cruelty-free household cleaning products are also environmentally friendly. There are cruelty-free brands that produce everything from all-purpose cleaner to laundry detergent and are better for the environment than mainstream brands. This means they have fewer harsh or toxic ingredients (often using more natural alternatives such as essential oils), and they are also better for your and your pets’ health.

Learn how veganism helps the environment.

There you have it—the reasons to switch to cruelty-free. Thank you for being interested in this lifestyle and making a difference!

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